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Carreiras e Empregabilidade: Encontre o Seu Propósito

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at JCG

The College has:

  • a CEIAG curriculum delivered to all students through PSHE in Lower and Upper School
  • a CEIAG curriculum delivered through the Life Skills and Choices elective and other elective programmes in the Sixth Form
  • tutorial programmes including careers education and guidance
  • academic mentoring sessions including information, advice and guidance
  • close links with Skills Jersey

The College provides access to:

  • a careers section within the library
  • independent face-to-face advice both internally and externally
  • up to date e-learning applications
  • the Skills Jersey within the college provision
  • the knowledge and experience of external speakers from a range of careers and industries
  • outside speakers to enhance student knowledge of courses available and the local job market
  • individual interviews in the Upper School and Sixth Form and 1-to-1 mentoring in Lower School 
  • events which promote student understanding of the world of work
  • Trident placements and other work experience
  • business partnerships
  • enterprise competitions including the Student Business Challenge (SBC), young enterprise and work shadowing
  • the extended project qualification (EPQ) in Sixth Form 
  • local, national and global trips and visits which encourage risk-taking and global awareness
  • local, national and global links to former students via the JCG Foundation. 

Work experience is an integral part of careers education and guidance and of work-related learning. 

  • Every student in the Sixth Form is strongly encouraged to complete work related experience, including afterschool or at weekends, in their holidays and during challenge week. 
  • Trident work experience will be provided for students in the Upper School to support and compliment the curriculum provision. 
  • The work experience programme should be able to respond to the needs of the Jersey community. 

Outline of CEIAG within PSHE and schemes of learning 

Escola Inferior 

CEIAG is covered in the PSHE programme in Years 7 & 8 through modules including an introduction to careers / work from Skills Jersey. 

Escola Superior 

In Year 9, students receive a 1 hour lesson per week as well as assemblies and an options evening covering PSHE, citizenship and careers including:

  • Option choices. Helping students make the correct choice for them, taking into account individual needs. 
  • Year 9 attend the annual Jersey Skills Show to learn about careers and skills.

For other years, PSHE, citizenship and careers education is delivered as impact sessions throughout the year including :

  • Trident work experience
  • Study skills and revision techniques. 
  • All Year 11 have individual interviews with a senior member of staff to discuss Post 16 options and any concerns they may have about their futures. 
  • An Options Evening and the Sixth Form options process. 
  • JCG holds an annual in-house Careers Fair. 
  • Year 11 students are offered 1-to-1 appointments with advice and guidance councillors from Skills Jersey. 

Sexto Formulário

 The careers programme is delivered in Years 12 & 13 through the Life Skills and Choices Elective sessions of 1 hour per week. It covers aspects such as Higher Education, Post 18 options, finance, work shadowing (IOD), Young Enterprise and completing CVs, covering letters and their UCAS form. 

In addition to this:

  • All Year 12 have individual interviews with a senior member of staff to discuss post 18 options and any concerns they may have about their futures, towards the end of the academic year. 
  • Skills Jersey organises an annual HE fair. 
  • The College organises an information evening for parents to explain the UCAS procedure. 

Post UCAS application – students are given individual advice on choosing firm and insurance institutions. We encourage students not to complete this until after the mock week. 

Students not applying to university will have weekly Life Skills and Choices Elective sessions with the Employability Coordinator with the intention of securing high quality employment. 

Students applying for medicine, dentistry, Oxford University or Cambridge University have bespoke preparation.

We have gained a lot of new knowledge from the Business Challenge and enjoyed every moment of it!

Lower School: The Student Business Challenge by Savanna and Penny, Year 8 

We started our team, Sandi Jersey, in order to give customers something they could keep that would remind them of the beaches, and to raise money for the Jersey Biodiversity Centre. 

Over our selling period, we  had a lot of fun learning about customer expectations, selling strategies, presentation, and consumer research. We have also tried to manage profit and how much we spent on creating each of our necklaces so that they were of the best possible quality. 

Continuing from making a lot of stock, we sold products at the Gorey Common, school and to our friends through online orders. We came across a challenge – some of our lids weren’t sticking correctly, but we overcame it by using a different brand of glue. So overall we have gained a lot of new knowledge from the Business Challenge and enjoyed every moment of it!

My [work experience] placement at Jono’s Water Sports was super enjoyable!

Upper School: My Trident Placement by Lucy, Year 11 

My placement at Jono’s Water Sports was super enjoyable. I got to do activities like helping out on banana boat rides on the RIB and other things like guiding and talking to tourists about where they come from and things they are going to do in Jersey. 

On top of that, I met lots of new people which was very interesting. Some of my favourite things about my placement were how it was very warm on the beach so I got to swim in the sea to cool off and I also liked helping out with another school’s activity week. I also learnt how to juggle in the times where the beach was quieter. 

I think this placement has helped me develop my social and money handling skills, which is always helpful for jobs in the future. If you like being outdoors and are sociable this is definitely the best kind of placement to choose as I made lots of memories and met some amazing people.

[There is] endless help and support!

Sixth Form: Exploring Careers by Ryanna, Year 13 

Being a student at JCG has allowed me to understand more about the opportunities available to young people to help them explore career possibilities. Students are frequently alerted to various courses, internships and workshops happening in Jersey and beyond, along with being offered support through application processes. Without the endless help and support from others to guide me towards where I want to be in the future, my career path wouldn’t be as clear and definite as it currently is. 

Within JCG, it isn’t only the teachers who give guidance about careers and future intentions. It’s also the students, through clubs, clinics and after school activities. Since May, I have been fortunate to be the Science Prefect, and the part I’ve enjoyed the most so far is running a Casual Science club with one of the teachers. It’s amazed me to see how many students have changed their perspective on Science and what a future within it could hold. 

In particular, what I have found extremely helpful is subject teachers always encouraging and guiding students who want to pursue a career related to their subject. At the beginning of year 12, my Physics teacher noted what career route each of us was hoping to take and every so often would mention to each of us any opportunities he’d seen. This led to me attending the InvestIn Young Engineer Summer Program in July. Through the InvestIn program, I spent five days with like-minded people designing, discussing and solving problems related to all areas of engineering. We listened to multiple speakers talk about their routes into engineering and what problems they have tackled; for me, this greatly helped to confirm which discipline I want to complete a degree in at university.

I am grateful to have had plenty of opportunities to explore career options and, most importantly, encouragement to pursue a direction that genuinely interested me.

Alumna: Launching My Career After JCG by Lucy 

As a former JCG student, I am grateful to have had plenty of opportunities to explore career options and, most importantly, encouragement to pursue a direction that genuinely interested me. I myself was drawn to engineering and particularly valued the assistance the school provided in accessing activities with industry links including summer courses, work experience connections and an external scholarship program providing mentorship and placement opportunities. This access to information and encouragement to investigate helped me learn about a range of options and understand more about the industry. 

After leaving JCG, I completed an engineering degree and subsequently decided to follow a further interest, qualifying as a Chartered Accountant. I now work with a multinational manufacturing business and look forward to continuing to develop my role which, beyond my accounting qualification, brings together my understanding of technical processes, engineering environments and business management.