Chá e excursões

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Sistema da casa

The Jersey College for Girls House system is an integral part of school life and helps support the ethos created at the College.

The school is split into six Houses – Austen-Bartlett, Cavell, Curie-Fry, Garrett-Anderson, Inglis and Nightingale. 

Students are in tutor groups that correspond to their Houses, and their tutor will also be part of the House staff. House is a unique experience which should provide a supportive and welcoming environment for all students. It also encourages ownership by students of a significant part of school life. 

House meetings take place every fortnight, with three Houses meeting per week. Although all staff are part of a House, meetings are led primarily by two Year 13 House Captains. The House Captains are also responsible for leading student fundraising within the College. 

They are encouraged to select two charities, one local and one national or international, for whom fundraising events will be held throughout the year. These charities may be personal to the students leading the House, to younger students within the House or simply charities traditionally supported by the House. 

Being a House Captain is a demanding role and one which requires support from the rest of the students in their House in the Sixth Form. Over previous years, it is clear that the Houses that are the most successful in competition and fundraising are those who work as a Sixth Form House team. There are many leadership opportunities for all Sixth Form students within the House, whether they have a formal leadership role or not. 

House Captains also organise teams for the various House events that occur throughout the year. Some highlights of the House calendar are the House Athletics, House Drama, Top of the Pops, House Fashion and House Music competitions. All competitions earn House points which, along with academic merits, are added together to determine the winner of the Cock House Cup at the end of the House year.