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GCSE Booklist

Livros didácticos digitais

Os manuais digitais serão fornecidos gratuitamente a partir de setembro de 2022 pelo Colégio e podem ser acedidos em qualquer dispositivo.

Capa Assunto Título ISBN

Francês AQA GCSE French Higher

Espanhol Viva! AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Student Book


História Engaging with AQA GCSE (9–1) History: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603 British depth study

Engaging with AQA GCSE (9–1) History: Conflict and tension, 1918–1939 Wider world depth study

Engaging with AQA GCSE (9–1) History: Health and the people, c1000 to the present day Thematic study

Engaging with AQA GCSE (9–1) History: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship Period study

Estudos Religiosos GCSE Religious Studies for AQA A: Christianity

Estudos Religiosos
GCSE Religious Studies for AQA A: Islam

Design e Tecnologia OCR GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology

Educação Física AQA GCSE Physical Education: Student Book

Food and Nutrition AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition: Student Book


Further Mathematics AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics


Livros físicos

Considere a possibilidade de doar livros escolares à Fundação JCG para revenda quando já não precisar deles. Se quiser ver a nossa seleção de livros em segunda mão, clique aqui.

Capa Assunto Título ISBN Notas adicionais

Biologia Grade 9-1 GCSE Biology for Edexcel: Student Book with Online Edition
Students who join in Yr10 will need this book, or if they haven't bought it in Year 9.

Geografia Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Geography Student Book
This book is only required if your child has chosen to take this subject for GCSE.

Estudos Religiosos
AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Islam Revision Guide
This book is only required if your child has chosen to take this subject for GCSE.

Matemática GCSE Essentials Bundle: Edexcel Maths Higher
CGP Product code: MXHCUB42
This Bundle is highly recommended to support revision and independent study, while they are not imperative for the course our students find these very useful.

Matemática GCSE Essentials Bundle: AQA Maths Foundation
CGP Product code: MQFCUB42
This Bundle is highly recommended to support revision and independent study, while they are not imperative for the course our students find these very useful.

Música Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Anthology of Music
This book is only required if your child has chosen to take this subject for GCSE.

Ciência GCSE Science Revision Guide and Workbook Bundle

Design e tecnologia My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology
This book is highly recommend but not compulsory.